Hexplore24 Cerulea week one

Met Orblu-gao, a young naive politician seedling with a large hat. They are trying to know about Iya, a boy elf wanderer with small eyes. The boy is a refugee from the SE hills who knows of a dungeon. Travelled to SE Hills, wilderness except for stubborn young cloaked ranger with muscles grumbling about theContinue reading “Hexplore24 Cerulea week one”


For as long as I’ve been familiar with the word “Fianna” I’ve taken it to mean “Fionn Mac Cumhaill’s band of mercenaries” (it’s pronounced Finn McCool, like the smoothest Irish poet-warrior you’ve ever met). I’m aware it comes from the Fenian Cycle, a collection of stories about Fionn and his fellow Fianna members, ranging fromContinue reading “Fianna”

Celtic Middle Ages

This image by the incredible Goran Gligović has stuck in my head since I saw it, along with the caption: “Imagining a much more Celtic Middle Ages”. My big pretentious idea that I’ve been working on is a medieval fantasy setting based on an alternate history where the Celts remained dominant in Europe instead ofContinue reading “Celtic Middle Ages”

Hellmouth brainstorm

Rough, un-playtested notes for a rules-lite rpg. Even the name is probably a placeholder. Inspired by Electric Bastionland, Traverse Fantasy, Between Two Fires, and building off of my Underdark 1-pg game. Medieval Horror-fantasy The Lord of Heaven is sleeping, and the devils of Hell are testing their limits. Plagues and war spread across the land,Continue reading “Hellmouth brainstorm”

Albion setting, first steps

When I run D&D or other fantasy games, I do about 50/50 homebrew and published settings. And when I run homebrew, more often than not its some variation of Celtic or dark ages Britain. (When I do published its Ravenloft or Eberron usually). I’ve done some setting guides for specific campaigns with a Celtic/British feel,Continue reading “Albion setting, first steps”

Race in the Nessian Wood

I’ve been running a 5th Edition D&D game in Theros, using a lot of inspiration from the indie rpg Agon for adventures. Sessions have mostly focused on small locations where the machinations of two or more gods have created strife that the heroes have to set right. I gave the players a few options forContinue reading “Race in the Nessian Wood”

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